Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Italian? Or the Jew? Who Cares, They're Both American

The Ghost of Frank Sinatra! Is he really back? Wait,
what does Woody Allen have to do with this?

   An ongoing debate will soon emerge among those who are Frank Sinatra loyalists and those who are Woody Allen loyalists. If there are enough out there, still. I know a lot are dying off, sadly. It makes sense, given both men are old enough to be a US Senator from Arizona (ba-da *ching* hashtag McCain). I’m not dying off, though! In fact, I’ll be around for roughly 6-7 more decades. A lowball estimate, if that.
     So maybe not a debate, but perhaps a unique discussion will soon emerge regarding the son of actress/activist Mia Farrow and who is probably his true biological father- Woody or Frank? Along with that, just how much of an impact will he attempt to make in our politics and/or entertainment?

Well one thing is for certain. His mom has connections.
     I must say, it really surprised me that Ronan Farrow was bold enough to publicly call out his so-called "father" like that, no matter how serious the accusations.
     Ronan Farrow is the son of Ol’ Blue Eyes. I have few doubts. Why else did he and his mother bash Woody Allen on Sunday night during the Golden Globes? 
    The curiosity approaches like a storm coming from the distance.
    I don't want to focus on these extremely serious accusations, because it's not my place to judge. I will say, though, that as a fan of both Woody Allen and Frank Sinatra, I am very curious to know who is Ronan's real father. Because regardless of who it is, the two men are both remarkable. At the end of the day, can you really compare their accomplishments and determine who ended up making a longer lasting impact? Sure, Woody Allen is a creep. To what degree? Who knows, but either way, let's not forget Sinatra paled around with Reagan. See, nobody is perfect.
     America would not be the same without the writer/director’s profound messages in his films or the crooner's irresistible charm in his music. They are both legends, and one of them banged up a hot, young, and also extremely gifted actress, which resulted in this beautiful man. 

Hard to imagine Frank Sinatra hasn't returned. 
      How vain it is to focus on this story though, right? This "who's-your-daddy" drama shouldn’t concern us any more than the worth of a paragraph or two posted in some random, unpopular blog. 
      That is, until we see him on MSNBC in a few months. At which point, I will be able to tell people “Oh yeah, him? I’ve posted on my blog about him already. He’ll be a key player to getting Hillary elected.” This gentleman is going to take America by storm. Maybe that’s why I have such curiosity.

One thing that's also interesting: he talks with his hands to
the (probably) first female President of the United States.



Saturday, January 11, 2014

Would You Like To Supersize That Scandal?

   If the past few days of trending topics on the twitter tell us, Chris Christie will continue to be in the news for a while. I don’t think this scandal is going away anytime soon, and I say this because, as a Democrat from Illinois, there is no question that Christie is going to face criminal charges with this bridge spectacle that disrupted so many of his constituents’ lives.
   If Rod Blagojevich’s actions landed him in jail, how on earth is what occurred under the New Jersey Governor’s watch not going to end the same for him, or at least his deputy Chief of Staff?

Remember him? Maybe if you were in the market
for a Senate seat in Illinois back in '08.

    I will say this: Democrats need to pounce on this prey as quickly as possible, before Fox News has time to replenish Christie’s image. There is no question this man uses fear to get what he wants. And if he get his way in 2016, he’ll have kept up this tactic all the way to the nuclear codes.
    Remember how the media dissected Blago in late 2008/early 2009? Well, we need to take that strategy on Christie, because he deserves that same level of scrutiny. Of course, the two men were in completely different circumstances. One tried to sell a Senate seat, while the other is accused of abusing his power as a governor to shut down a massive bridge for four days.
     One of those days being on September 11th. Did you know this George Washington Bridge connects New Jersey and New York? Yea, so can you imagine being stuck in your car on that backed-up bridge on the 12th anniversary the towers fell? Justifiable paranoia at its finest.
     The bridge being shutdown directly affected the people of New Jersey and New York in so many ways. Whereas in Illinois, we were just embarrassed that we elected another narcissist who would be so slimy as to profit off of a US Senate Seat. We really should have known about Blago, though; after he left the Governor’s office, he decided to go on Donald Trump’s television show. What a sad mess. But he never caused civil damage to the daily commute of regular people who he’s supposed to represent.

"Ignore my bully complex for a second and focus
on the fact that I can take a picture with the president"

       As Americans, we really need to dismiss Governor Chris Christie as a serious candidate for president right away. We should never allow this sickening political activity to occur, for any of our elected officials. Should the news media become more and more outraged with every new finding in this investigation? Hell yeah. It is absolutely unacceptable for any elected official to abuse his or her constituents’ lives like that.
     I’m a landscape architecture major, and someday if I’m lucky enough to have a career in urban and regional planning, I know on a simple ethical basis that I would never be able to get away with something like this. I would be fired (or thrown in jail, depending on what I knew) if I chose to ignore an unnecessary traffic occurrence affecting my fellow citizens. This would be especially true if I had the authority to prevent it from continuing immediately.
      But this nightmare for the commuters went on for four days.

If you play by my rules, then we won't have any problems.
But piss me off, and you may find yourself stuck (in traffic).
Got that?
      Don’t let Chris Christie get away with this. This unfolding story must capture everyone’s attention the closer and closer we get to 2016. If anything, he could still run for president, but he will at least be so scarred by Fort Lee that it’ll be impossible for him to win the Republican primary. 
       Then we’ll once again have intellectual entertainment on the side as we watch Hillary duke it out with a real progressive for the Democratic nomination (aka the party that usually has the more appealing, less Duck Dynasty-like candidates).

Round Two: who will take on Hillary this time?
Because it sure as hell isn't going to be Christie.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

You're Gonna Hear Me Roar (The Third Time, Which Is When To Begin DSOTM Soundtrack)

   I hope the title of this post is understood as a reference to Pink Floyd and The Wizard of Oz conspiracy. Because I sometimes think I was the MGM lion in a former lifetime.
   Today, the music industry has such low regard for a human being's dignity as a result of prioritizing profit over real artistry. This is almost no different in television, and certainly no different in radio. The quality of our well reputable newspapers are under severe threat of being sold to whoever is the highest bidder.
    When the newspapers are being bought. That's a sign for alarm.

     Progressives have been saying this all along. In fact, my boyfriend works at a place where US Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin sometimes stops in when she's home in Madison. She reminded us that the Chicago Tribune and the New York Times are "not really the same thing"....
     She's so cool, I am not ashamed to use the term OMG for her. I mean, watch this video: if you are from Wisconsin you must say to yourself OMG

    She's just so confident in herself as an elected official. I mean, we could vote her out of office if we wanted. But after watching that video of her dancing, why would we ever want her to not represent us. She's the first female Senator from the Cheese State, and she's also America's first (openly) gay Senator! USA, USA
     I'm totally looking forward to her endorsements with whatever female Democratic candidate takes on Walker.
     Remember when this photo came out?

Liz and Tam
       Well, remember how much it was shared by progressives on the internet? It's going to be one of those powerful images shared in history books someday. Or herstory, if you will.

       Senator Tammy Baldwin, you may have been The Advocate magazine's 2012 Person of The Year while Pope Francis was in 2013, but I'm sure your general presence in these 2014 midterm elections in Wisconsin will capture national spotlight.

       If you keep up the dancing.

Queens Have Your Back.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Now That We've Survived The Holidays

     It’s amazing how vicious your can imagine yourself being to the ones who have done the most harm to you. With your judgmental and dysfunctional family, you don’t seem to know how to conduct yourself around those who have left you with scars. So you may just choose to get away from it all. Start a new chapter of life elsewhere. But if you are a dependent, you also have a lot of weight to carry. You have no choice but to jump through the hoops until you reach the finish line, when you’re then set free to start a new life; one with no regrets of leaving the tormented family dynamics behind. Life happens so quickly sometimes that changing gears may be the only responsible action to take when relationships crumble to no fault of your own.
     It’s just difficult to know that others who you thought had your back could instead turn a broken family situation from bad to worse all on the premise that it was your fault for leaving in the first place.

      Haven’t a lot of us been there before? Doesn’t the feeling of abandonment haunt us for the rest of our lives? I was abandoned 5 years ago, and that feeling sure as hell isn’t going away anytime soon.  
       Not until I get to decide, for myself, who I spend my holidays with.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Can We Get The Orchestra to Play Over Ashton Kutcher Now?

  Hey there, Ashton. I see your acceptance speech went somewhat viral on the internet because at least 3 of my facebook friends shared it, but I just don't see how it's anything special...
If an unshaven man is announcing Ashton Kutcher's name
with an indoor projection of the ocean shore in the background,
in front of a crowd of uncontrollably loud teenage girls...
and then hands Ashton Kutcher a surfboard, I have
a difficult time taking this whole video seriously.
Who is that person on the left? Are we supposed to care?
   That being said, you're a lovely gentleman I'm sure, Mr. Chris Ashton Kutcher. Nothing personal from here on.
   It's just that.. in my previous blog about (That's So) Raven-Symoné, I pointed out the fact that our media wouldn't leave her alone until we were all aware that she likes pussy instead of cock. Pardon my French. 

Just so you don't forget this cutie.     
    But in all seriousness, isn't there something a little messed up when the entertainment industry focuses so much attention on the very concept of a particular person's sexuality? With all of the questions we could be asking about celebrities, the "news" moguls tend to linger far too much on whether someone is gay or not. That curiosity should be a thing of the past, people. 
   But anyway, how does this relate to Ashton Kutcher's acceptance speech roughly a week ago at the Teen Choice Awards? Because it was nothing but a stunt pulled on a crappy annual TV special that is strictly used to retain mediocre entertainment within a highly exploited teenage market, disguised as "motivational". In other words, the Teen Choice Awards shouldn't be taken very seriously. 
     Maybe it's because teenagers are fed so much garbage from all different directions that Ashton Kutcher felt the need to somewhat reveal what's behind the curtain of Hollywood. Or maybe he was feeding his own ego. You can never really tell with celebrities. They're just living their lives the same way the popular kids from high school did. 

After all, didn't the popular jocks always have this attitude 
when showing off their trophies at an all school assembly after
winning state? (I went to a white bread high school like Ashton).
     The point being, when celebrities like Ashton Kutcher have nothing interesting to say anymore, they tend to reach out to an audience with poor taste and pretend like they do. In the case of the former That 70's Show star, he reached out to teens. And because his acceptance speech has over 3 MILLION views in less than a week of being on youtube, he has kept his career healthy for a while. Or so he thinks...
      3 million will be nothing in a matter of weeks. Days maybe. Here's the problem for Mr. Chris: he is a screen entertainer. Not an internet entertainer. His downward spiral is showing through the subpar sales in "Jobs" over the recent weekend. Ashton Kutcher's career is all about being likable in the box offices and television ratings.  It has nothing to do with being thoughtful. It has nothing to do with being generous. And it really isn't about being smart, because that can be left to your agent. It's about being physically attractive, having common sense, and not making an embarrassment of yourself like he did a week ago. 
       To give Ashton Kutcher some credit, I do think he decided to pursue this career at the right age. He said he was 19 when he had the maturity to protect his name (much like my obsession, Marilyn Monroe). Any younger and there would be no way he could survive the pressure of the lifestyle with his ridiculous ego. Why? Because HE'S STILL ACTING LIKE A TEENAGER. 
       Giving a speech like that says a lot beneath the surface. If he was giving a speech like this when in his prime (That 70's Show), it would've made a lot more sense because he was closer to the age of the audience. I understand that the 35-year-old Ashton Kutcher plays the role of Steve Jobs, but his acceptance speech comes across as if he is Steve Jobs. Or at least as if he's as accomplished as him.
       Except he isn't. Ashton Kutcher is really only more accomplished in the area of making underage girls wet at a fake awards show. Can you imagine if we reacted the same way when Apple revealed the iPhone5? HE knows his targeted audience, because they applaud more at him using the word "sexy" than they do at his actual mention of Steve Jobs. And that's sad, because he's been acting for 15 years now...

and all he got was a crappy surfboard. 

     Ashton, you've had your time to ride the wave of popularity. Now get off the stage and hand it to the most talented 20 year-old out there today: the gnarly Miley Cyrus. No just kidding. Don't do that. But for real, we all have enough to remember you by: That 70's Show, Punk'd, Dude, Where's my Car?, and that hilarious marriage to Demi Moore. 
      And don't forget to thank the Teen Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in the beginning next time. We'll be busy reminiscing your glory days as the charming, clumsy teen from Wisconsin.
And iiiiiiiiiii will alwayyyyys love youuuuuu (Kelso)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Celebrity Zoo: Raven Symoné


Is the cute little girl from the Cosby Show a lesbian?
How adorable. From a young age, she entertained us with her
bold personality. Can we honestly be surprised she's gay? 

 Duh! Personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about. Like, why even write about this? Everyone grows up. Some of us are lucky enough to grow up and be gay, actually.
 I get that she's been in front of cameras her whole life, so the public would naturally be interested in what team she plays for. I remember watching "That's So Raven" when I was a kid, and it wasn't bad for Disney Channel. It also wasn't a show that Catholics had a problem with. A little ironic now, right?
  My point is that we've seen her transition from a little girl to the grown woman she is today. Here she is in the mid 2000s:
This look just screams "I can do better than men, damnit!"

And recently, this photo surfaced on the internet. Apparently the woman on the left is her significant other, and a professional model. Only settling for the most beautiful? That's So Raven!

Look how happy she is! That's all that matters, right?

 My opinion: some of us are fortunate enough to find happiness in being who we are, even if it makes us different. Celebrities are no exception.
 But maybe the reason Raven hasn't appeared on the cover of an entertainment magazine (like man-whore Lance Bass circa 2006) to exploit her sexual preference is because she doesn't feel the need to do so. If she doesn't want to to share detailed aspects of her personal life, then we ought to respect that. In fact, we should be thanking her. Think about it: do we really need another celebrity to assume they have the privilege to share their private lives with the rest of us and then have the nerve to expect we actually care about him/her that much?
 I think Raven knows that there are people out there who don't want her life to be private. Because privacy for famous people like her doesn't profit for anyone.
  For a change, I'll be the one who predicts the future for Raven. If she stays this classy and draws attention to her because of her work rather than personal affairs, then we'll be seeing her around for many years to come. Her very serious fans may be obsessed with that, but the rest of us will simply look back, smile, and think...
At least Ellen paved the way for Raven, by coming out on a legitimate magazine so the former Cosby starlet wouldn't have to years later.